About the Junior Program
We want to Coach and encourage new or inexperienced shooters in safety and familiarity with firearms.
You can gain experience and learn safety in Shotgun, Rifle or Archery.
You can gain experience and learn safety in Shotgun, Rifle or Archery.
The Delran Junior Marksman Club was founded in 1962 for the express purpose of teaching the Knowledge and Skills for firearm responsibility, safety and marksmanship. The program aims to inspire the correct attitude toward responsible firearm use to youth from age 10 to 21 years.
All Junior Shooting Sports Programs may register in advance. Registration can be made by completing the Junior Application. Payment can be made either in person at the range during normal operating hours or by mailing the application and a check to the address listed on the application.
Program Overview
The Juniors program offers 3 main shooting disciplines, Light Rifle, Archery, and Shotgun (Trap). The program is supervised by NRA certified Range Safety Officers (RSO’s) and NRA or USA Archery Certified instructors in the respective discipline.
All courses are taught on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Students are expected to arrive on time, assist with setting up and breaking down the range. Parents are encouraged to attend and support their students during the program.
The first class in each program will include classroom instruction to introduce the firearm to the students, review safety principles, explain how to properly handle and use the firearm, and discuss the various sporting opportunities in that shooting discipline. After classroom instruction has been completed, the course will move to supervised practical use of the firearm. Classroom instruction will be accomplished either in person in the training room at Delran Junior Marksman Club, or online via a web meeting. Meeting information will be posted when available. Completion of the classroom instruction and safety briefing in required prior to participating in the practical portion of the program.
Program Fees vary by course and only partially covers the cost of materials and supplies. Income from Senior Memberships and operation of the shooting range on weekends is used to offset the costs associated with the Junior Programs and helps to keep the programs affordable.
All courses are taught on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Students are expected to arrive on time, assist with setting up and breaking down the range. Parents are encouraged to attend and support their students during the program.
The first class in each program will include classroom instruction to introduce the firearm to the students, review safety principles, explain how to properly handle and use the firearm, and discuss the various sporting opportunities in that shooting discipline. After classroom instruction has been completed, the course will move to supervised practical use of the firearm. Classroom instruction will be accomplished either in person in the training room at Delran Junior Marksman Club, or online via a web meeting. Meeting information will be posted when available. Completion of the classroom instruction and safety briefing in required prior to participating in the practical portion of the program.
Program Fees vary by course and only partially covers the cost of materials and supplies. Income from Senior Memberships and operation of the shooting range on weekends is used to offset the costs associated with the Junior Programs and helps to keep the programs affordable.
Light Rifle
Age: 10 – 21 years (Younger students must see the Program Coordinator) Must be able to pump the air rifle on their own. Duration: 8-Weeks Time: Last week of March through 3rd Week of May Cost: $50.00 Personal Equipment: Safety Glasses (prescription glasses may be used as safety glasses) If using .22 rifle, ear protection is required. Range Equipment: RSOs, Instructors, Dedicated Juniors Air Rifle Range, Air Rifle, ammunition (pellets) Targets, Mats, Junior Membership, Awards / Certificates of personal progress |
Juniors will learn about light rifles using air rifles which fire pellets instead of BBs. They will be able to challenge themselves and measure their progress by following the NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program. Qualifications earned will be presented at the end of each year’s program, juniors can continue their progress from year to year. Juniors that show the skills and interest in continuing to higher levels will be introduced to match level rifles similar to those used in college NCAA competition.
Juniors will learn about light rifles using air rifles which fire pellets instead of BBs. They will be able to challenge themselves and measure their progress by following the NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program. Qualifications earned will be presented at the end of each year’s program, juniors can continue their progress from year to year. Juniors that show the skills and interest in continuing to higher levels will be introduced to match level rifles similar to those used in college NCAA competition.
Age: 10 – 21 years (Younger students must see the Program Coordinator) Must be able to draw a Genesis bow. Duration: 4-Weeks Time: June Cost: $25.00 Personal Equipment: Safety Glasses (prescription glasses may be used as safety glasses) Range Resources: RSOs, Instructors, Archery Range, Bows, arrows, arm guards, quick bowstring release, Targets, Certificates and Awards |
Students will learn about archery using compound bows with target sights and bow string releases. They will be able to challenge themselves by extending the distance of their targets progressively out to 55 yards. Qualifications earned will be presented at the end of each year’s program. The last day of the program will be a 1-day tournament where students will compete in their ability groups.
Age: 13 – 21 years (Younger students must see the Program Coordinator) Must be able to support the shotgun. Duration: 4-Weeks Time: October Cost: $50.00 Personal Equipment: Safety Glasses (prescription glasses may be used as safety glasses), Ear protection is required. Range Resources: RSOs, Instructors, Trap Range, Sporting Clay throwing machine, Shotguns (12, 20, and .410), Shotgun Shells, Sporting Clays, Certificates and Awards |
Students will be introduced to shotgun sports with a modified Trap program. The sporting clays will fly straight out to assist the students to learn how to point and hit the clays more consistently. Students can return on Sunday afternoons or Wednesday Nights (during the summer) to enjoy a bigger challenge with the regular trap course.
Junior Service Rifle (CMP – Civilian Marksmanship Program)
Age: 13 – 21 Duration: TBD Time: TBD Cost: TBD Personal Equipment: Safety Glasses (prescription glasses may be used as safety glasses), Ear protection is required. Range Resources: RSOs, Instructors, Rifle Range, Targets, Service Rifle (AR-15, M-1 Garand), Spotting Scopes, .223 ammunition, Certificates and Awards |
For students who have completed the light rifle course and are looking for a new challenge, the Service Rifle program is being developed. The program will be taught at our outdoor rifle range. Students who participate in this program are encouraged to participate in the CMP High Power Service Rifle Matches, which are held four times each year at our range. They are also offered the opportunity to shoot in state and national NRA sanctioned matches.
Questions answered |
We provide mentoring through our NRA certified instructors in one or more disciplines.
We will go over safe handling, basic shooting practices, storage and club membership. This program is free and appropriate if you are a new shooter. Maybe you have recently purchased a fiream and are in need of some one on one help. You will learn basic safety practices to get started with your new firearm. You will practice handling and firing your new gun, or if you have not yet purchased, we will provide introductory training with some of our instructor’s firearms. Maybe you have been to the range with someone and want to learn more about how you can own your own fire arm and join our club. |
Getting Started |
Please contact our Coordinator
Richard Tuvell |